dental care tipsHere at Seminole Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer dental services in Seminole, Florida. Maintaining oral health should always be a priority. More than just a nice smile, your teeth play an important role in the function of your overall health. Luckily, taking care of them is easier than you might think. Here are some dental tips to keep your teeth going strong!

Getting the Right Nutrients

Just like your bones, your teeth are made of calcium, and require it regularly to stay healthy. But that’s not the only nutrient your teeth rely on. You also need a regular dose of vitamin D to process that calcium. A deficiency in vitamin C will create a higher chance of gum and tooth disease. Yogurt, cheese, and milk are all great sources of calcium. You can get vitamin D by going outside in the sun, just make sure you protect yourself from UV damage. Vitamin C can be found in orange juice, most fruits, and some vegetables.

Natural Cleaning

You are not just relying on brushing and flossing to keep your teeth clean; your body does a lot of the work for you. Saliva is a huge factor in getting rid of bacteria in the mouth. Any foods that help with saliva production (water, lemons, cranberries, etc.) will help you cleanse your mouth naturally.

Regular Dental Care

Most people end up making their regular doctor checkups, but for some reason that number goes down with regular dental checkups. Preventative care is both less costly and more effective than reactive or emergency care. Make sure you are seeing your dentist twice a year so they can catch any problems before they can cause trouble.

Avoid Sugar

Nobody says that you can’t enjoy a treat every once in a while, but making a habit of constantly consuming processed foods or foods with high sugar content is going to be detrimental to your dental health. Of course, cutting down on high sugar foods has many health benefits, not just for your teeth.

Don’t Overwhiten

Everybody loves a white smile, but it is much more important to have a healthy smile. While teeth whitening procedures can be very safe, it is important not to overdo them. Over bleaching can wear away at the protective enamel on your tooth.
Hopefully these tips will prove helpful for maintaining your tooth health. If you are looking for dental care in Seminole, Florida, then come by Seminole Family Dentistry for professional dental work. For more information about our dental services, please do not hesitate to give us a call at your earliest convenience. One of our friendly and qualified representatives will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.